High Ability/Gifted Services

At AOSR, we recognize that students come to us with prior learning and exceptional talents that may set them above their grade-level peers. Often demonstrated by exceptional ability to master grade-level concepts and a high degree of task commitment, these learners need and seek extensions to their learning.  

Upon admission, the Leadership Team carefully reviews all prior documentation to ensure that students are placed in appropriately challenging grade levels and courses.  Flexible placement of content areas starting in middle school gives academically advanced/gifted students the ability to excel at their desired pace.

Academically advanced and gifted students may be evaluated internally (while at AOSR)  to provide a challenging and supportive learning environment. Families, teachers, counselors, and principals provide a plan appropriate to students’ academic needs. 

An Academically Advanced/Gifted student may:

  • Learn easily and rapidly
  • Think clearly, recognize implied relationships, and comprehend meanings
  • Read on average two years above grade level
  • Retain what they hear or read without appearing to need drill practice 
  • Possess a large vocabulary
  • Exhibit independence, individualism, and self-sufficiency
  • Demonstrate a curious and investigative nature
  • Ask penetrating and searching questions
  • Focus intently on areas of interest
  • Produce original products or ideas
  • Prefer complex ideas
A science student works in the lab
A chemistry student studies in the lab