Make a Donation to the American Overseas School of Rome


Your Vision and Generosity will build the future of AOSR

With the celebration of the 75th Anniversary and the renewed enthusiasm of our Alumni Association, we see a wave of generosity and a willingness to give back to the school.  Never is this generosity more needed.

American Overseas School of Rome, Inc. is recognized as a non-profit organization by the IRS (Section 501(c)(3)). Donations are tax-deductible, and all donors receive an official letter of recognition from the Head of School, along with the AOSR Tax Identification Number, to assist in filing.

Our Giving Campaign

Our newly launched giving campaign has a fundraising goal of €250k. All giving will be invested in the 3Ps that make our school excellent: our People, our Programs, and our Physical Plant.


A portion of the gifting will be designated to financial aid and scholarships for high achieving, financially needy students. AOSR currently offers over €100k in scholarships and financial aid, which is partially funded by donations. Our hope is to expand this program to meet the needs of more families.


The expansion of cultural trips, arts and athletics are a key post-Covid pillar of our Building for the Future Strategic Plan.  Gifts from alumni and friends will allow future students to experience many of the iconic trips and programs that alumni reflect upon so fondly.

The Physical Plant (Campus Master Plan)

The AOSR campus is beautiful, stately, and feels like home to so many current and former students.  Significant funds are needed to renovate our historic Villa, which will blend the past and future to create a visual arts, media and research Hub. Support from donors will ensure that the Villa is state-of-the-art while maintaining its aesthetic elegance.

These are just a few of the many ways alumni and friends can give back. Your gift will make a difference to a school community that has made a difference in the lives of countless students and families. Our donors remind us of the spirit of generosity and involvement in learning that our community members exemplify daily.

With deep appreciation,


Dr. Kristen DiMatteo

I am now an 82-year old college professor in retirement where I can indulge retrospections of the elements that have shaped me over the years. Chief among these was my time at (A)OSR from 1952 to 1954, where I made real friendships with many other students. I could go on about what OSR did for me, in particular, how I have been impacted by my teachers still to this day. I make donations to AOSR, because I hope that AOSR can continue to provide catalytic experiences for all of its students, as it did for me. 

-  Alumnus, John, Class of 1954

Credit Card or PayPal Account

Bank Transfer, Check or Cash

Bank transfer donations


If you'd like to make a donation via bank transfer, check or by cash please contact and we will send you the necessary information to make a transfer.

Please specify if you wish to send from a US bank account or European bank account, we are able to provide the bank details of either a bank in the United States or that of an Italian bank.

Donation Thermometer

Total Donations received since our 75th Anniversary Celebration between PayPal payments and Bank transfers. There is still a bit to go but we are so thankful to all our community and we hope to reach our campaign goal by June 2025. 


A student builds a molecular structure in a science lab